Fitness Junkie

June Junkie: Elya McCleave
June 8, 2008, 11:59 pm
Filed under: Fit Junkie of the Month | Tags: ,
This Russian goddess got my attention when she did her bellydancing routine @ FAME West 2005 for the Fitness Open round.  So much energy and a big smile, I would never forget her long blondish brown hair.  We met the year after at a fitness bootcamp and we’ve been great friends since.  This 5″7 Pisces beauty describes herself as a “full time nerd”.  Not only is she the Director of Tech Support and Customer Care for Superb Internet Corporation in Vancouver, a web hosting company… she is also the creator and administrator of the newly formed FitnessLicious, an online female fitness community with already 200 members since the April 2008 launch!  Her passion for fitness and love for life is what makes her someone special to know and an individual to never forget!!  Her name is Elya McCleave and she is the first featured “Junkie of the Month”

Height: 5’7″
Weight: 140 lbs (off season) 130 lbs (@ competition)
Measurements: 36-24-36

2007 Femsport – 5th Overall
2006 Femsport – 8th Overall, 5th in Physic
2006 WNSO WEST – 1st (Fitness-Open)
2005 SWFC – 5th (Fitness Tall)
2005 Femsport – 6th Overall, 2nd in Physic
2005 WNSO WEST – 3rd (Fitness-Open)
2004 Femsport – 10th Overall, 1st routine
fitness, health, IT, belly dancing, yoga, traveling, shopping, modeling, PINK, boxing, jiu-jitsu, watching K1/UFC, reading, sleeping in on the weekends, cooking, learning new languages, fashion, history… and much more 😉
Name 5 things we didn’t know about you.
 Let’s see 😉 Here it goes…
1. Macramé used to be my hobby for a while (where did all that patience go? lol)
2. I pray before I go to bed (there is a short prayer in Arabic my great-grandmother taught me when I was 3yrs old and I still remember it! She said it would always keep me safe)t
3. I’ve been hit in a groin once (Holy Smokes! That was painful! It was during one of the open-mat jiu-jitsu classes.. it was just an accident .. Since then though, I wear a groin protector!)
4. My favorite thing to have for breakfast is a dessert called “baklava”… a lot of sugar (I stick to oatmeal and egg whites though)
5. I’m brave enough to run in my undies on the streets of Vancouver 😉 Well it’s for a good cause, I’m participating in the UnderWear Affair Run on July 12th.. come out!
Identify 3 things that make you a fitness junkie.  What are you addicted to? Feel free to explain why. 
  • I feel super guilty if I can’t make it to the gym.
  • Every day I make myself eat broccoli (fiber), drink 4L of water and have at least one protein shake.
  • I have the last 24 issues of the Oxygen Magazine 😉
Please share your workout routine and eating regime.
Here is an example of the meal plan that works well for me (portions vary) when I’m dieting down:
Meal 1:  Egg whites or fat free cottage cheese; whey protein powder, oatmeal, 1L H2O,supps
Meal 2:  Chicken breast/ turkey breast/ trout; Chick peas (on training day); Green veggies (broccoli, brussell sprouts/ asparagus) 1 L H2O
Meal 3:  Same as Meal 2 minus Chick peas , 1 L H2O
Meal 4: 1 scoop whey protein + supps (post workout)
Meal 5:  can of tuna/ salmon/ orange roughy/ tilapia; 15 almonds; green Salad, 1 L H2O
Meal 6:  egg whites; supps; 1L H2O
What are 2 reasons you fall off the junkie path?
I travel on business a lot and that really puts me off track. I’m slowly learning how to manage it better.  My suitcase is full of protein powder, oatmeal and almonds. I also prepackage all my supplements.
Another thing that can throw me off is my mom’s cooking 😉 She is excellent and she always makes something tasty. The rule of thumb at home is to always have bread, sweets and pastry covered with a napkin… if I don’t see it I don’t think about it (or I think about it less).
Oh! I forgot to mention that I was a peanut butter queen! If I have a spoon I gotta finish da whole jar… so I try not to touch it at all 😉
Tell us.  What are 2 reasons you get back on the journey to fitness. 
When I train and compete I am happy, I’m balanced and my life has a greater meaning. I also met a lot of wonderful people and made friends for life through my fitness endeavors. That’s priceless!
Who, how and what keeps you motivated?
When I met my trainer (and now close friend) Nancy Lockington, I never imagined myself watching what I eat so carefully, training daily or standing on stage. I just wanted to tone up and look good. From the very beginning I was amazed how giving, helpful and open Nancy was. She really cared… she wanted everyone to succeed, be healthy and happy. I don’t know if Nancy realizes, but she completely changed my life … I saw things from a new perspective and started to believe it when I said “I can!”  The opportunity to help others really motivates me to train harder and learn more! I’ve been in the fitness industry for 4 years now… no, it’s not a huge amount of time, but it can be enough to burn out. The reason I’m still here is because I want to do what Nancy did for me back in 2004 … I want to help others to give themselves a chance.
Daily hit:  what’s the one piece of advice you want to share with us?
Never underestimate yourself! There is no such a thing as “Can’t!”