Fitness Junkie

Do Your Soft Addictions Need Some Tough Love?
November 17, 2008, 7:44 pm
Filed under: Stay'n on Track

Check out my article:


Which Celebrity Workout is Right for You?
November 10, 2008, 2:36 pm
Filed under: Daily Hit, Stay'n on Track | Tags: , , ,

For the heck of it, I took a quiz this morning to find out which celebrity workout is right for me.  After responding to 10 questions, this is what I was told.  

You are a “spiritual seeker”.  You are a spiritual soul, in search of higher meaning in life.  You are looking for a fitness routine that will help you explore the sacred relationship between body and mind.  You’ll enjoy workouts that nourish your spiritual side while strengthening your body, like these celebs’ favorites:

  • Cameron Diaz and Jennifer Aniston do Pilates
  • Britney Spears sculpts her body with dance classes
  • Madonna, Ashley Judd and Gwyneth Paltrow swear by yoga
  • Other workouts to try:  Tai chi, karate, cross-country skiing, meditation and swimming

The sun sets today before 5pm.  Yes! 5pm.  Having motivation to get myself to the gym seems harder and harder and lately, I just haven’t been going.  I have, however, taken a bigger interest in working out at home and doing more Bikram yoga sessions.  I finally bought a few at home items like the ball, resistance bands and balance board to keep me from making excuses. 

I can pretty much agree that at this point in my life, I am seeking for a more solid relationship with my body and mind.  Making moves to go back to Peg City and start a personal traiing/lifestyle consulting/freelance writing business is an exciting step in my life.  Yet moving towards the direction of dreams is often an anxiety producing feeling…  And the Libra that I am, I am seeking now for balance and calmness before my mind goes crazy with 10 million thoughts and 0 action.

By setting short term goals and long term dreams, I can remain focused.  But with work, holidays, everyday to dos, it’s really hard to maintain and even harder to stay focused.  Yoga has helped me tremendously and I can’t wait to be with my Pilates instructor/best girlfriend Linda to get my core training in December.  In preparation for the upcoming holidays and cold winter weather,  all I can do to feel small accomplishments is set weekly goals.  I spent the last week resting from the work, training and diet for the FitnessLicious shoot.  I ate whatever, drank til I got drunk and worked out only two times.

This week, I’m back at it.  Yoga, ab training, strength training using a push/pull regime and taking up a new activity.  What that will be yet, I dunno.  Time for new adventures and new challenges. 


“NOW” is the operative word.  Everything you put in your way is just a method of putting off the hour when you could actually be doing your dream.  You don’t need endless time and perfect conditions.  Do it now.  Do it today.  Do it for 20 minutes and watch you heart start beating”
Barbara Sher

Building Bridges
November 3, 2008, 7:23 pm
Filed under: Stay'n on Track

“We build too many walls and not enough bridges.” — Isaac Newton

This weekend was amazing.  The FitnessLicious Gangsta Halloween photo shoot with Gaby Saliba was a complete success.  I spent the day with 17 beautiful women, 3 great photographers and a kitchen table full of food.   I’m so sore from the posing and running up and down stairs with the most uncomfortable black heels a person can buy!!  But it was all worth it.  I spend most of my days at work in front of a computer, teaching in rooms with no windows, at home chilling out with my man or at the gym releasing some pent up energy.  Networking and connecting with others face to face nowadays seem harder and less accessible.  With the growing developments in technology, we are getting used to communicating with walls…. internet, phone, text messaging, facebook… and less used to really building bridges with the world around us. 

The shoot gave me the opportunity to remember what a wonderful feeling it is to build bridges with other beautiful people.  Learning about how they came to be where they are today.  I love learning about other people’s life plans.  And every single woman I met at this shoot, had a plan and a story to share. 

For some, it was their first photo shoot.  I admire these women because they felt they were “out of their element” “in new territory” yet they had the lion’s courage to ask questions, step in front of the camera and pose in awkward and unnatural positions .  For others, it was an opportunity to express their new beauty.  One individual I met over the summer looked even more toned and defined this time around.  She praised the work of her trainer and kettlebell training in helping her achieve this new look but I truly believe it was her focus, dedication and committment to change that transformed her to a new beauty.  Another woman was preparing to compete.  She looked amazing and she was such an inspiration to me because not only is she competing in fitness, but she is also mother to 3 children.  And I’ll bet if you look at this pic, you would never know who I am talking about for any one of these situations….

FitnessLicious Gansta Shoot

FitnessLicious Gangsta Shoot - photo by Gaby Saliba